Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Big Sickly & Potty Progress

I have a terrible sinus infection triggered by allergy. There was nothing much the doctor could do. I have been on antibiotic for five days now. The congestion got better but the nasty cough is still here. Good thing Mia's fever's gone and her cough subsided as well. She's back to her old lively self.

Two Saturdays back, I sat her down in her bathroom floor with juice, water, toys, crafts, candies and a wet doll. I fed the doll water, showed her how the doll go to potty and have her sit on her potty every fifteen minutes. She was successful for three hours worth of work. In the afternoon, we left her in her pull up diapers and she's been going to daycare in them now. At night she's still in her normal diaper. In school, the teacher said she had been going to potty, flushing the toilet and washing her own hands.

Tonight after milk, she told Mike she needed to go to potty and she went. She was screaming to share the good news with me. When I confirmed with her, she was happy and clapping her hands. I am so proud of her. Hopefully she will be off diapers for good when the new baby arrives.

She's also been doing quite well on the big girl bed. Some nights she'd wander off in the middle of the night. Mike would take her back and most nights she sleeps through the night. She's not picky about beds just like me. I am relieved that she could literally sleep anywhere.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Little Sickly

Mia had a fever for two days and it evolved into pneumonia today. She's put on a nebulizer and antibiotic. I feel terrible for her.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Cherry Blossom Festival

Last Saturday was the Cherry Blossom parade, we invited Mia's grandparents to go to DC with us. The weather was perfect. Balmy but not hot. It was unfortunate that we had store on Friday so most of the blossoms got washed away but still it was a nice day to be out and seeing some remainig blooms.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Today's daycare's Spring picture day. I sent Mia off with her Spring dress and a change of clothes. Since she's so active now, it's very difficult to take any good pictures of her. I have now fewer and fewer pictures that are not blurry.

After dinner before bath, she sat on the toilette and told me she peed in the potty and she did!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Mia had two milestones today. She pooed in the potty at her own request. In the afternoon while we napped, Mike converted her crib into a full size bed. We then went to the store and get her a new set of mattress and box, some new sheets and two big girl pillows. It wasn't fully planned so we were in a frenzy. The new sheets are still in the dryer. The bed is very high. She has to use step stool but she's very excited. My girl has grown up.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Potty Training Prep

Mia is ready for potty training. In school they started sitting her on the potty. She's able to take off and pull up her pants, remove the diaper and sit on the potty but she has not succeeded yet.

We bought her training pants and pullup diapers. Today I ordered a drink and wet doll. I learned that it would take an entire weekend to get her trained and we should not leave the house. This weekend we plan to go to the Cherry blossom festival so I will start this next Friday for a three day intense program. I really need to get her free of diapers before the baby comes.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

First School Outing

Mia is going to a petting zoo today with her class. I packed lunch for her the first time: pj sandwich, banana, cookies and apple sauce. She's wearing her toy backpack. I can't help being amazed at how big she is now.