Saturday, June 28, 2014

Making pizza

We went to Pizzanese to celebrate Mike's birthday. Mia and I shared our pizza custom made.

She made a mess eating it.

This morning Mia bit Kenzie on the back without any reason and left teeth marks. Kenzie was shocked and shrieked. She did it yesterday afternoon too. I was beyond furious and "bit" Mia in turn on her arm to show her it feels... she got it. She said sorry to Kenzie. Hours later after dinner, she still remembered and asked me if Kenken still had teeth marks. When I said yes she showed an obvious remorse. I told her Kenzie loved her and she should always love her and protect her. I hope what I did today she will always remember.

Little Dancer

Mia had her first dance class today. It was half tap dance half ballet. She was following instructions quite well anf enjoyed the class. I will be signing up for one close to home soon.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer craft

Mia made the frame using sea shells she collected on the Pensacola beach for grandpa's birthday.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Trying Week, happy father's day!

The gals caught hand foot mouth disease anf staph on the trip. Mia started having painful blisters Sunday night and we took her to Pensacola hospital last Monday morning. She was treated for allergy. We flew back. She suffered from painful itch on the plane but toughed it out. It was not until Tuesday morning till we realized Kenzie got the blistering rash too. I was already at work and had to rush home to deliver the baby carseat. Three doctors couldn't diagnose it. I rushed back to work for a job interview and thought i wasn't gonna make it. After 12 i met them back at the dermatologist who said it was staph. Tuesday night i started having one blister on my right hand index finger. I convinced Mike we should voth see our doctor just to make sure. Our primary doc took  look at Mia's hands and my aching throat anf said you've got hand foot mouth disease.  With the odds of the rest of week of Mike and me both having fever and rash we may as well go buy lottery tickets. It is supposed to be very rare for adults to contract this disease. Mike is just recovering. He said he would never forget this Father's Day and the gifts his girls gave him.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Beach wedding

This is the first wedding both gals attended. Wedding started at 6:45 at Santa Rosa beach. Reception was at 8:30 in town. Both girls behaved well even though dinner was well into the night way past bed time.  I thought of the day I will marry them off and go5 a little sentimental.

beach wedding

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Friday, June 6, 2014

Kenzie's first beach trip

Pensacola. Florida.

Kenzie had a nap on the beach.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Crawling upstairs

Kenzie crawled upstairs herself yesterday. She's been cruising forever and can pull herself up very easily. She has very strong legs.