Sunday, May 15, 2011

100 Day Celebration

In Chinese tradition, 100 days after the baby's birth, relatives and friends will gather and celebrate with a feast and offerings to the gods and goddesses. This is an important day for the baby because 100-day birth celebration represents the wish that the baby will live 100 years. The baby usually wears a silver longevity pendant (in Chinese called Longevity Lock) on the neck, locking baby to this life.

Mia celebrated her 100 day today at China Garden. Friends and family gathered for a Chinese banquet. Baby girl wore a Chinese outfit, had a silver lock down her neck and silver anklets. She was not fussy for the entire function, sweet like a lamb. We served red eggs (not for consumption but as a symbol) to signify the birth of a baby and a ten-course meal. Chinese food here is a bit Americanized but I am glad to hold a Chinese function for Mia to celebrate part of her heritage.