Sunday, June 17, 2012


Mia is ready for swimming lessons. We signed her up for end of July class. Since she was a tiny baby, we have let her swim in the master bathroom tub. She is a water baby and has always enjoyed 'wawa'.

Our neighbor got some outdoor water slide and turned it yesterday in the yard between our two houses. When I got home from a seven hour round trip to Lynchburg, I saw Mia playing in the yard, hair drizzled in water and dress wet. She was having a blast.

Our in-laws has a pool, today is Father's Day so we went over to celebrate. Mia had her first dip in the pool, only hands and feet though. She did her best splashing the water. In two weeks, I think the pool will be warm enough for her to do her first big girl swim. We bought her the diapers used for swimming today in preparation for her upcoming adventures.