Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Last Saturday we took Mia to Baltimore aquarium.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Swear Jar

Mike started the swear and yelling jar a couple weeks ago. Each yelling and swearing in front of Mia would cost 20 bucks. Since then I have contributed 160 dollars. Mike had coughed up 80 bucks that he's yet to put in the jar. Unbelievable! I must tame my temper. Mia's been having so much temper tandrum since her class filled up with smaller kids. She's no longer the baby of the class and she's feeling a loss. Miss Pinky said she was acting up (whining more and not eating/napping well). She came home and threw the pillows from the couch to the floor while saying 'go away'. I think she needs more attention and is trying to adjust.


Mia sang ABC today! She went all the way to "G". I came home from work. Mom informed me that she could sing ABC. She started "A B C D E Feb... Fish" and kept repeating. She was right on the tune. I was so beyond happy. I videotaped it and would cherish this milestone forever.

Picture is from this past weekend when we celebrated great grandma's 80th birthday. She was throwig the pom pom while yellig rah rah rah.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mia's Vocabulary at month 18

I calculated Mia's vocabularies today by Chinese and English. She's been able to name objects and expresssions: a total of 100 words/phrases in Chinese and about 50 in English. I am acutally quite surprised. Lately I've noticed a marked improvement. Last time I couted was about 3 weeks ago, at the time, I was able to count about 60 words in total. She has now more than doubled her mastery of language. I find it much easier to communicate with her now. She even told me about her earache several times, leading us to go to the pediatrician to treat her ear infection.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

National Harbor

We went to National Harbor today. Mia had her first experience in the sand. It was overcast so perfect for a stroll outdoors. The temperature was in the low 90s. We had lunch at Bond 45, an Italian restaurant by the water front. We sat outdoors and saw many planes taking off and landing from the nearby National Airport. Later we stopped by a yogurt place. Mia had a few mouthful of yogurt with fresh fruit. There was a concert going on by the river called "abbey road on the river". A Beatles cover band. The National Children's Museum has a launch zone nearby so we let Mia play there for a little while. It was nice for me to go to the water and enjoy and breeze and sand too.