Monday, February 25, 2013

Things she says

Mia caught me sneaking a chocolate. As she passed me with longing chubby hands over mike's shoulder, she said: so greedy!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Book store

Sad that barns & noble near our house is closing. We have a lit of good memories there. Mia had her picture taken there today before it closes next Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Mike was getting Mia ready for bed last night. He asked: who gives the best kisses? "Mommy". Mia said. I was in another room and was so happy about the nomination.

We had mice problem lately. Mia stomped the floor and said " mouse poopy diaper. Mouse got the cereal...打老鼠"

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bad Words

Mike taught Mia to say "Get up mommy, lazy butt". Not intentionally but she picked it up and now would not let it go. I made Mike pay 20 bucks towards her swear jar.

Other things, not so bad that she's picked up are "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh". She's like a sponge. You say something, she immediately repeats it. You can never expect what's coming out of her mouth next.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Party Overload

This weekend we had three birthday parties, all at some sports bounce place. Mia had her fill of cakes and pizzas.
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.


Mia's birthday party was cozy. I got to see some friends who I haven't seen for a while. Mia got to bounce and eat her fill of cake and pizza. We went to a Chinese restaurant with friends to celebrate Chinese New Year. It was Chinese New Year yesterday.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Mia celebrating at school

Happy Birthday Mia

Mia turns two today! I am home today so we both sent her to school with cupcakes for her class. When we got there, she started crying. Miss Ismahan asked her who did her pony tail. She said mommy. Then Miss Ismahan got everyone to sing happy birthday to her and made her happy. Once she got distracted by the lady bug cupcakes, she forgot all about us.

She's been so expressive now and talking non-stop. She sings many songs from beginning to end both Chinese and English ones. I am amazed at her speed of growth. We marked her height on the door frame today. She's shot up a good four five inches since the 1-year-and-half mark.

My family called from China and said Happy Birthday to her this morning. She still remembers everyone and was excited to talk to her cousin and uncle.

Tomorrow we have a birthday party for her. And tomorrow is Chinese New Year's Eve!