Saturday, March 29, 2014

Kenzie had a visitor

Julee came to visit yesterday. Kenzie warmed up to her in no time. 
She is definitely more shy than Mia.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Kenzie crawled today for a few steps. She's been on her knees rocking for days. Today she finally crawled to reach the music table. She also said "baba".

We took the girls to the grandparents' yesterday afternoon. We had dinner and Mia stayed over night. She did this for a few times and last night she woke up three times fraying for me. I hope they will still want her over. :)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

kenzie saying mama

Kenzie said mama today several times. I was very excited. Mia called baba first. It is a little competition. :)

She also went to Mia's music class today and stayed up the whole hour. She had great time bouncing on my knees.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Trying Pear

Having teeth helps. Mia was never able to enjoy finger food at this age.