Friday, March 30, 2012

In Full Stride

Mia is walking quite well now. She could make it from one side of the sun room to the other side without much issue. She tried to rush it. It works better if there is someone at the receiving end so she aims for that specific distance. It seems that yesterday she was not able to do it so well but this afternoon when I got home, she was making amazing progress.

SV came to visit from San Fran and played a little with Mia. She warmed up to him quickly to my surprise. We went out to the back yard and took a bunch of pictures.

I then went out to Mon Ami Gabi and had some long awaited apple-tini. I haven't had a cocktail for almost two years! OMG it was delicious!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

At the Mall

We went to the Mall yesterday and took a train ride at the children's amuzement area. Afterwards we played at the playground. Mia made a friend. She's been walking a lot these days. At times on her own for a few steps. She hasn't completely let go yet even though she's now strong enough to walk on her own.

She's experiencing a growth spur. Lately she's been drinking whole milk/formula mix for over 30 oz every day. When she got home yesterday, she took 12 oz!

She was so cranky at lunch (around 2 PM her usual nap time), she made a fuss at the restaurant and poured water all over herself and me. She cried aloud in public for the first time. So we packed lunch and left. I felt bad that we disturbed her routine. It's really difficult timing-wise these days to go anywhere since she needed about two naps during the day. I can't wait for her to be more manageable going out. I am concerned over traveling to China and our 14 hour long flight.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Meadowlark Garden

It's Spring. We went to the Meadowlark garden yesterday. Everything was in bloom and beautiful. Mia walked bare foot in the park. Now that she's older and eager to walk, we are taking her out more.

It's been a warm winter so Spring came early this year as well. Usually we don't get the bloom until April but in early March, we already have tulips in our front yard this year.


Mia is now able to stand on her own. She does not realize it but when she does, she flops to the floor. We have witnessed her first steps. She's been walking a couple of steps here or there. Not continuously but enough for me to scream with excitement. Today her grandparents came to visit, she walked four steps from the window to the middle of the sunroom. I missed it but I know it's any day now.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Mia has been better. We started feeding her lactose free milk two nights ago. She still has not started eating all the solid food. Her diet is mainly bananas and rice porridge and a little bread. I gave her oatmeal this morning. Since she did not have diarrhea, we think it's not stomach virus as the doctor suggested. She seems to have bounced back and regained her energy.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Mia's been throwing up since 7 AM this morning. She could not keep anything down. Even after two sips of water, she'd vomit everything out. I took her to the pediatrician's at 10:20 and was told that it was probaby stomach virus. Since 7 PM last night she did not had one drop of milk. We went back to the doctor's twice this afternoon. When we got back, she was able to keep the Pedialyte down. I fed her some rice porridge and bananas for dinner. We were going to skip milk per doc's instruction but she would not fall asleep. Eventually we gave in and gave her 5 oz of lactose free formula. She finally went to sleep. Since her birth she has not been so sick. I was wondering if it had anything to do with the music class since now it's the start of the stomach virus time according to the doctor. I had to take the entire day off, which means tomorrow will be a hellish day at work. I am exhausted. Good thing is she is not showing symptons of the virus and hopefully things will be back to normal tomorrow.

She also officially hates the doctor's now. She started to whimper even before we stepped into the building. As soon as she saw the nurse, she bursted out crying. I think she remembers her experience of the four shots from the one year check-up.