Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sitting on Her Own

I was finishing dinner downstairs when Mike called me. I ran upstairs thinking Mia threw up or something... I then saw her sitting in the middle of the bed without support and smiling at me proudly. One could see that she was amazed at this newly found ability herself. I video taped it so I could share it with everyone else.How fast she grows!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Earth Quake

There was a 5.9 earth quake today (late posting, this happened on Tuesday) near Richmond, VA and I was in my office on the 8th floor and I felt the building shake. We were immediately evacuated from the building. After waiting for over an hour, we were dismissed. I rushed home to find baby safe. This is her first earth quake.

Almost Sitting

I noticed today that Mia could sit up on her own without support. Granted, in a few seconds, she tumbled to the side. She's also been very active, constantly rolling over. If we place her on her floor gym, she would roll several feet away from the gym in no time.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ba Ba?

On the way home today, Mike rang and said Mia called him 'baba' (Chinese for daddy). I would not believe it. At the next second, I heard her on the phone babbling something like 'ba ba ba ba'. Mike was beyond proud and meanwhile I was sulking with jealousy. When would it be my turn?!!

Friday, August 19, 2011


At six months 11 days, Mia moved out of our bedroom and to her own room. She's already sound asleep now but I am the one who's experiencing separation anxiety. For months we did not even turn on our overhead bedroom lamp because it's too bright. I specifically bought a night stand lamp and we have been living in a dungeon. Now we have our master bedroom and bathroom to ourselves again. However I feel a little sad and silly the same time. Baby's grown up and I have to let her go.

Today we also opened her education account to save for her college. Lots more planning for the little one to prepare for the day she turns 18.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

First Fever

Mia has her first fever today, induced by the vaccination. It was 100 degrees this morning. By the time she went to bed, it went down to about 99. Since it's as expected in the first day after shots, we did not give her any medicine. Regardless, holding her little body and feeling the over heated limbs made me concerned. I will continue to watch over her tomorrow. Hopefully it will be gone then.

Friday, August 12, 2011

6 months

Today Mia had her six-month check. She's 17 lbs 3.5 oz and 27 inches. For weight she dropped from 90 percentile to 75. It's probably because I returned to work and she's not been taking the bottle too well. For height, she's still 90 percentile.

She had three shots today and she took them like a champ! When the first shot was administered, she had no time to react. When the second and third came a long, she only cried for a brief few seconds. As soon as Mike picked her up. Her tears stopped mid way. She became fairly happy later in the day and took a dozen spoons of rice cereal when we got home. I am so proud of her being such a brave little girl.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Time in a Swing

Mia tried her swing for the first time a couple weeks ago and she's been having great fun.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Two days in a row, Mia ate the rice cereal. She actually opened her mouth every time to welcome the spoon. She ate about a dozen spoonfuls today. We were delighted.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

First Brick Fair

 We went to the annual Brick Fair today. I think it was more interesting for daddy than for baby. Regardless it was the first time Mia was in such a crowd. Mike's friend Nick built this three-headed dragon.
 She's still semi interested at this point.
 They have the crane every year. It's completely made of LEGO. It's pretty neat. Last year when we came, I was barely two months pregnant. Technically it's the second year for little peanut to visit the Fair.
 Let's pose for the Post!
Mike wanted Mia's face more to the front, which means she'd have to touch the astronaut's helmet. I refused because it would be gross. I was already concerned that there were way too many kids at the fair. It's like a germ fest!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Birthday Party & Anniversary Lunch

Mia was invited to Drew's birthday party today next door. Drew is turning five and this is Mia's first party invitation. We went at noon. There were so many children. It's a brand new life and world for us now. In the past I'd be so bored and driven crazy by all the noises. Now I am living through it and I am still finding everything a novelty.

After the party,  we went out for lunch to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. The date is tomorrow but I did not want to ruin Mia's nap two days in a row so we went today instead. It was pouring when we got to the restaurant. Mike dropped us off first. When he came by, he had the diaper bag in one hand and a red rose in the other. My husband of seven years, the romantic, did not forget the little things that would make me happy. The rose sat quietly on the white table linen.  I gobbled down everything in front of me as usual. The only unusal thing for this year was we had Mia yapping next to me in the car seat. In one day, we will be officially out of the 7th year itch and stepping into the 8th. I feel as pretty as the day when I married him and I love him more now since he is a wonderful dad.


I have been itching to give Mia solid food. Last week I tried ripe peach. She spitted it out. Yesterday I tried banana. She opened her month and had a tiny bit. Today I tried banana again, she did not take it as well as yesterday. I read that you sometimes have to try the same food ten times to determine that baby truly does not like it. So banana again tomorrow!

Thursday, August 4, 2011



In China, we call the daughter a mother's little cotton vest. It's because you wear the vest close to your heart and it keeps you warm. I hope Mia will become my little vest. I hope when she grows up, we can be good friends. She will love me and keep my heart warm.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First Time in the High Chair

Mike strapped Mia in her high chair today for the first time. I guess she thought it was some play thing like her swing so she was very happy. Later she sat by the table looking at us eating diner and realized she really did not have anything to play with, now look at her face.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Saturday Lunch

We decided to take Mia out once a week in public. This past weekend was at the town center, having a late lunch with grandma and grandpa. Mia was so happy in her car seat. As usual she behaved perfectly at the table. She was wide awake and content. She played with the links and Sophie, her giraffe.

Mia is still light enough for Mike to carry around in the car seat. We seldom pushed the stroller around. It seemed too much work.

I notice that I have been paying close attention and taking a mental note of restroom changing tables in public. For restaurants, this is now a criteria to come back for revisits.  What a change!