Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Progress Report at Two Weeks

We went to the pediatrician yesterday. Mia has gained 21 ounces since she left the hospital. She recovered her birth weight of 7'12" and then some. She is now 8 lbs 7 ounces. I am a proud mama, happy to know that she's feeding enough and growing.

Mike has gone back to work today, in my words he escaped,leaving munchkin to me alone. I have a tough task at hand today which is to figure out a way to bathe her on my own.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

On Burps

After days of patting, on the one knee shake,on the both knee patting, over the shoulder patting, butt patting, nothing seems to lead to a satisfying burp from Mia. Nursing is often accompanied by spitting or hiccuping.

Mom: why can't she belch like other babies?!!
Dad: Because she's a little lady and belching is not ladylike.

First Week

Day 1 - Mia, born on February 8, 7 lbs 12 ounces, 20.5 inches. It's a day of sheer joy and agony for me. Seeing her for the first time made me tear up. I felt exhausted yet invincible. I created life!

Day 2 - learning to know her. We are having fear of not being able to feed her, or feed her enough. Each diaper change brought both mom and dad so much excitement. I never realized I would not mind seeing and handling someone's stinky poop.

Day 3 - still in the hospital waiting to check out. Adrenalin and epidural both wearing off. Pain from birthing and breast feeding. Held her all night to comfort her to sleep, feeling even more exhausted.

Day 4 - at home waiting for milk to come in. Hunger is driving her cry and making us panic. Feeling frustration and self doubt. No wonder some women experience postpartum depression. I am staring at her face all day, studying her breathing and grimaces. Feeling warm and fuzzy and overwhelming desire to cuddle her. I guess this is love.

Day 5 - food is here for her. Relieved but soon facing more challenges such as burping.
Haven't been able to burp her successfully but once. Poor little one is spitting up and hiccuping after each feeding.I feel like a loser mom.

Day 6 - Valentine's Day. Except for sleepless night and difficulty in burping, I feel good.Mia has opened her eyes and she is my little valentine. We gave her a sponge bath today after she peed while we changed her and soaked her shirt. Last year this time I wore my little black number and we went to Citizen for a ten course meal. This year's date with hubby had a third wheel. I never imagined I'd spend v day like this in a million years. Life has already changed forever for us.

Day 7 - hubby's read the baby book to me on baby sleep. We will try the new trick tonight. Baby sleeps during the day and has been wide awake at night. We are still learning her different cries.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Almost There

We are heading in this evening at 7:30. Today I took a day off from work. In the morning, mom and I walked around the neighborhood for an hour. Baby has no obvious intention to come out yet. I've felt only little cramps now and then. Nothing dramatic such as water breaking, horrific contractions, or backaches. I am wondering if we did not schedule the induction, would she stay past the due date even?! No matter what, we will end up with a baby tomorrow. My seemingly endless wait time is almost over. I hope for the best and can't wait to see her for the first time.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year, My Bunny Baby!

Finally! I have been waiting patiently for the Chinese New Year. As the clock strikes 11 AM, it's officially 12 AM on February 3rd in China, hence the year of the Rabbit begins and the child in my belly will be a bunny baby, with the same Chinese zodiac sign like mine.  The Chinese believe that the "zodiac year" could be full of mishaps and challenges, in health, love, career, and wealth. Name it, you are going to be unlucky unless you wear something red throughout the year or other good-luck charms to ward off the evil. However if you have a baby or get married (i.e. something celebratory) in your zodiac year, it will bring you luck and prevent misfortune.Call me superstitious or silly, I have been secretively hoping for a bunny baby for all these months. My baby is already shouldering the "high hopes" of bringing mama health, wealth and everything good in the Rabbit year... Thank you little one for holding on till now!