Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Kenzie 4 month well check

Kenzie had her well check yesterday. She was 26 3/8 inches tall and weighed at 16 lbs 6 ozs with onesie and diaper. It was below freezing point yesterday so the nurse kept her onesie. Even if i deduct four ozs for her clothes, she is still heavier than Mia at the same age. Mia was 15&5 at for months. Her % is 98 for height and 87 for weight. I did good!

She's grabbing well these days.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Great Falls Father Daughter Day

Mike took Mia to see the falls today. I bundled her up in her favorite color and stayef home with Kenzie. Looks like father amd daughter had a great time.

From: "Burgoyne, Michael" <mburgoyne@k12.com>
Sent: Sat Nov 23 18:06:51 EST 2013
To: "jublei@hotmail.com" <jublei@hotmail.com>

Monday, November 18, 2013

Turning Over

Kenzie turned over by herself today without any help. This is a milestone.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Allergy Test

Mia had her allergy test today due to the lingering eczema over the course of almost three years. I was surprised to findout that ahe was allergic to egg. We were toldto stop all concentrated eggs and baked gooda for two montha to determine of egg was indeed the cause for her eczema. She also had her blood taken after.having thirty pricks at the allergist's. Sh3 was incredibly brave. She didn't cry during the allergy test and had her usual silent cry when she was unhappily surprised and in pain. Her tears were falling out of those big eyes as she turned to me sobbing and saying mama. My heart was in pain seeing her suffering...and i was so proud of her.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It runs in the family

Mike has played trumpet for years and showed Mia how to handle mouth piece. Mia went downstairs yesterday and got the trumpet out
 She wanted to show me how it should be done.


Kenzie has been a smiley baby since few weeks old. Everyday when she opens her eyes, she smiles at me and it melts my heart.