Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Santa's in Town

I heard that each year, the "Santa" link is extremely long over the weekend. To beat the crowd, we went to the Mall today after work to see Santa instead and of course take Mia's first picture with Santa. When we got there around 6:30, the line was short and in five minutes it was jour turn. However as soon as Mike put Mia in Santa's arms, she started crying. We were not able to calm her down even after waiting for two groups of babies finishing taking their turn. I was hoping to have Mia's picture with Santa as this year's Christmas card picture but look at this!

She clinged to me for dear life in all the pictures with me but she had her good reason. Overall she was a good sport and tolerated us eating diner out even though it was her dinner, bath and sleep time normally. She even waited till I got all my new makeup at Macy's. We rushed by the Thanksgiving shopping crowd. I did not have time to take a glance of all the Sales stuff. It's amazing how your life changes and how you adapt to be efficient and self-sacrificing.