Monday, July 9, 2012

Over It

Mia got over the daycare unhappiness by Wednesday last week. It was her 7 day at daycare. I was so busy at work, I did not have time to call. At 2ish, Ms. Mimi called me and reported that Mia ate lunch and slept in her own cot. I was beyond myself. I called it the "breakthrough" day. After that day, she ate breakie, lunch, snacks and could get about one hour nap every day. She also stopped crying during the day. She still cries or whines at dropoff but some days she was even smiling as Mike passed her to the teacher. I am really proud of my little girl. She adjusted way faster than I expected.

She did become incredibly attached to her 'yang yang' (lammi blankie) and would not part with it for a second. During the day she takes it everywhere and drags it through the playground. By the time yangyang gets home, she is dirty. I bought a second yangyang just so that I could watch them and switch them around.