Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Big Sister

Yesterday Mia said "I want to see baby brother". She pulled my shirt up and said, "I kiss baby brother". She then planted a kiss on my belly. It is the sweetest thing. I am five months pregnant and we will know whether it's a boy or a girl this Friday. When I ask Mia if this is a baby girl or baby boy, she changes her mind all the time. Given that she has such a strong personality, having a baby brother might be better and we may have less sibling rivalry in the house. I am so impatient now I can hardly wait to know.

Today we have a snow storm so we all stay home. We are going to Orlando soon so I don't want Mia to play outside in case she catches a cold before the trip. She just graduated from her baby class at daycare and started with Miss Adella this Monday. I am hoping she will be potty trained soon so we don't need to deal with two babies in diapers.