Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Big Sickly & Potty Progress

I have a terrible sinus infection triggered by allergy. There was nothing much the doctor could do. I have been on antibiotic for five days now. The congestion got better but the nasty cough is still here. Good thing Mia's fever's gone and her cough subsided as well. She's back to her old lively self.

Two Saturdays back, I sat her down in her bathroom floor with juice, water, toys, crafts, candies and a wet doll. I fed the doll water, showed her how the doll go to potty and have her sit on her potty every fifteen minutes. She was successful for three hours worth of work. In the afternoon, we left her in her pull up diapers and she's been going to daycare in them now. At night she's still in her normal diaper. In school, the teacher said she had been going to potty, flushing the toilet and washing her own hands.

Tonight after milk, she told Mike she needed to go to potty and she went. She was screaming to share the good news with me. When I confirmed with her, she was happy and clapping her hands. I am so proud of her. Hopefully she will be off diapers for good when the new baby arrives.

She's also been doing quite well on the big girl bed. Some nights she'd wander off in the middle of the night. Mike would take her back and most nights she sleeps through the night. She's not picky about beds just like me. I am relieved that she could literally sleep anywhere.