Friday, August 1, 2014

Kenzie's One Year Checkup

Kenzie had her one year well check today. She's 30 1/4 tall and 20 lbs 11.5 oz. Mia was 32 inches tall and 20 lbs 5 oz at 1 year old She had three shots today, for Hep A because we are going to China in Fall, one for mumps, measles, and something else. She cried when the 1st shot went in but calmed down as soon as I picked her up.

Yesterday she started rejecting bottles. I've trying to wean her. I suppose she felt the upcoming change and started boycotting the treatment. We started her on cow's milk a week ago. She hasn't been taking that well. Her pediatrician did not really have any good suggestion other than me completely weaning her and giving her bottles only. I hope she will get over this phase and happily take milk soon.