Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Grandma's coming!

Mom's plane arrived an hour ago. I am anxiously waiting at home. The snow is coming down fast outside with sleet hitting all the windows, loud and furious. I am grateful that the timing is just right. If she were to fly in tomorrow, she might not be able to land since we are predicted to have 5 to 10 inches of snow.

We have scheduled the induction on Feb. 8. We will go in on Feb. 7 and stay overnight at the hospital. Few more days, baby girl! She's been wiggling and stretching rather than kicking. I guess her room is getting smaller each day. We had our last sonogram yesterday. Everything was normal. Dr. said she was proportionally big, not just in the head or stomach as we were told earlier. I also got a chance to talk to my coworker Sue, who had an 11 lb 3 ounce baby girl naturally 23 years ago. Sue is Korean and tiny. She did it, I can do it too. She told me after the baby came, she was heavier than the twins added up together delivered next door. Sue's mother said to her:"You did not give birth to a baby, you gave birth to a monster!!" I hope my mom won't say that to me if the same situation happens.