Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year, My Bunny Baby!

Finally! I have been waiting patiently for the Chinese New Year. As the clock strikes 11 AM, it's officially 12 AM on February 3rd in China, hence the year of the Rabbit begins and the child in my belly will be a bunny baby, with the same Chinese zodiac sign like mine.  The Chinese believe that the "zodiac year" could be full of mishaps and challenges, in health, love, career, and wealth. Name it, you are going to be unlucky unless you wear something red throughout the year or other good-luck charms to ward off the evil. However if you have a baby or get married (i.e. something celebratory) in your zodiac year, it will bring you luck and prevent misfortune.Call me superstitious or silly, I have been secretively hoping for a bunny baby for all these months. My baby is already shouldering the "high hopes" of bringing mama health, wealth and everything good in the Rabbit year... Thank you little one for holding on till now!