Monday, May 30, 2011

Just Us

Mom went to visit Blackburg this weekend and left yesterday morning. Mike and I took care of the baby on our own. It was of course tight! At any given moment, one person has to be watching the baby unless she was taking a nap. Regardless, we accomplished quite a bit. I even went out to see the new movie "Bridesmaids" with the girls last night. Today between the two of us, we managed to prepare two meals, did two loads of laundry, cleaned up the family room, bought and put blinds up in the sun room, gave Mia a bath and one bottle feeding with 20 minutes of fussing. I also squeezed in a thirty minute walk on the elliptical while carrying Mia. She dozed off half way through. It was a hectic yet fulfilling day. My Gosh, I got a taste of what life would be like when my mom goes back home.