Thursday, December 29, 2011

Daddy's Lil' Girl

It's becoming more and more apparent that Mia prefers Mike. When Mike leaves the house, she would cry, crawl over to him, hold on to his pant leg and cry until he picks her up again. As for me, when I say bye to her, she smiles and waves back bye bye. Since I have been nursing her since she was a new born and seriously gave it all, I feel so "used" even though I like that she's so close to her dad.

Mike told me today when she craweled over to him and operned her arms for hugs, she said "dadda". I am so jealous. So far she hasn't even uttered the word "mama" too many times but she's been babbling "baba" or "dadda" all the time! Sigh!

- Mia wearing daddy's gift of Capital jersey for #8 Ovechkin.