Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Mia's been throwing up since 7 AM this morning. She could not keep anything down. Even after two sips of water, she'd vomit everything out. I took her to the pediatrician's at 10:20 and was told that it was probaby stomach virus. Since 7 PM last night she did not had one drop of milk. We went back to the doctor's twice this afternoon. When we got back, she was able to keep the Pedialyte down. I fed her some rice porridge and bananas for dinner. We were going to skip milk per doc's instruction but she would not fall asleep. Eventually we gave in and gave her 5 oz of lactose free formula. She finally went to sleep. Since her birth she has not been so sick. I was wondering if it had anything to do with the music class since now it's the start of the stomach virus time according to the doctor. I had to take the entire day off, which means tomorrow will be a hellish day at work. I am exhausted. Good thing is she is not showing symptons of the virus and hopefully things will be back to normal tomorrow.

She also officially hates the doctor's now. She started to whimper even before we stepped into the building. As soon as she saw the nurse, she bursted out crying. I think she remembers her experience of the four shots from the one year check-up.