Sunday, March 25, 2012

At the Mall

We went to the Mall yesterday and took a train ride at the children's amuzement area. Afterwards we played at the playground. Mia made a friend. She's been walking a lot these days. At times on her own for a few steps. She hasn't completely let go yet even though she's now strong enough to walk on her own.

She's experiencing a growth spur. Lately she's been drinking whole milk/formula mix for over 30 oz every day. When she got home yesterday, she took 12 oz!

She was so cranky at lunch (around 2 PM her usual nap time), she made a fuss at the restaurant and poured water all over herself and me. She cried aloud in public for the first time. So we packed lunch and left. I felt bad that we disturbed her routine. It's really difficult timing-wise these days to go anywhere since she needed about two naps during the day. I can't wait for her to be more manageable going out. I am concerned over traveling to China and our 14 hour long flight.