Thursday, July 11, 2013

First Sleep Over

July 4 weekend we had four days off. We went to my in-laws. Mia swam and watched fireworks from the backyard mid afternoon. She's too little to play with sparklers but she had fun watching them.

July 5 Mia was at daycare when Mike and I had lunch and went to see Man of Steel. Last time we watched a movie at a theatre must be almost a year ago when my mom was still here. It's so difficult these days to have couple time. Movie was long and violent and not so great but time by ourselves was priceless.

July 6 was the test day for Mia's first sleepover. My in-laws agreed to babysit in preparation for when the second one comes. We dropped off Mia around 11 with a whole suitcase of her blanket, pillow, lammy, books, swimsuit, clothes, bottles, you name it, we brought it. We then left to have lunch, watched Iron Man 3 and drove around Mason campus waiting for our "lavish" dinner date set up by Mike to celebrate my birthday. Date nights are so rare these days, I did not mind us being so uncreative, i.e. lunch and movie two days in a row. I was just happy I knew what I was eating and everything was still warm when I put them in my mouth. Villa Mozart is this top ranked NOVA restaurant from last year. I've been wanting to come. We had a four course meal in the span of 3 hours. Service was below par. The grilled octopus appetizer was the best. Rest of the meal was mediocre. I appreciated the time alone with my hubby. Despite of my huge belly, I almost felt inspired like we went back to the times of eating out and trying new places all the time.

July 7 we went to pick up Mia. She behaved liked an angel the day before. Ate well, went to the club for dinner and met a bunch of folks, had an hour of swim, went to bed before 8:30, went to potty twice in the PM. What was amazing was she woke up in the morning, got out off her sleeping bag, went to the top of the stairs and called for grandma and grandpa. She was fully aware of her environment and never asked for us except once. Amazingly indepedent! I am very proud of her.