Sunday, December 19, 2010

Nesting Frenzy

Friday morning's OB visit confirmed that baby girl was in the 75 percentile and plus zone . She's officially borderline big, a whopping 5 lb 2 ounce at 31 weeks 5 days! Doctor predicted that she might be a 9 and half pounder upon arrival. As for mama, despite having a terrible cold and sinus infection for over a week, I could not stop cleaning and organizing the house, getting ready for our new addition. I was in a nesting mode convinced that she would come soon with her growth rate.

Saturday we went to BabiesRUs and did our biggest shopping. Mike carried home the mattress which now fits snugly in the new crib that was wiped up and down by me last night. I was practically on my knees scraping the bathroom floor and cleaning up all the drawers I emptied up for baby storage. Belly in the way or not, I was determined to have a spotless and sterile environment.

Today is a cleaning day for crib sheets, bumper, mattress pads, pack-n-go pad and everything else that has not been washed yet. I chased Mike out of the house earlier, howling like a mad woman because we forgot one entire bag of purchase at the store yesterday. He gladly drove off to get away from my rage.

After clearing out some more space from the closet, I finally settled down. Time for a little break. Whew!