Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Routine Cont'd

Since Friday, we have tried to bathe Mia around 7 PM and then put her to sleep after a bottle. When she does sleep, the first stretch ranges from 3 to 4 hours which is remarkable considering she usually wakes up every 1.5 or 2 hours like clockwork. Afterwards, she'd wake up three to four times until 9 AM to complete her night sleep cycle. We were happy about this improvement.

Tonight after some vigorous thumb sucking, she fell asleep on her own (after I lulled her a little bit but put her down while eyes open) at 8:30 herself. I was elated. Normally she wanted me to still nurse her after the bottle. This meant it is possible for her to fall asleep on the bottle so her dad would be able to take care of her during night duties as well. I am relieved that she can fall asleep on her own . I am also relieved since I am resuming my night yoga class next Monday.

Sleep training from my research has two tried-out methods: "Cry it out" or "No tears". The first as the name suggests is to let the baby cry to sleep herself, which we would not want to do. "No tears" is to pick up the baby when she cries then put her down and repeat so until she falls asleep herself.  The second method is a lot more time consuming and exhausting but so far we are going with this one. I can't stand to see her upset. She's also too little to get a real sleep training. I am happy that she's establishing somewhat a schedule and is learning to fall asleep on her own.