Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tough Week

Mike's been sick since he went back to work so I quarantined him. I have been taking care of Mia at night on my own for a few nights. Since she is confused about day and night, she slept well during the day and kept me up all night. Some nights I fed her on cue, burped her and lulled her forever to sleep. As soon as I turned off the light and laid my head on the pillow, she woke up and we had to do this all over again. Frustration set in and even desperation at times. The second night out of exhaustion and not being able to calm her down, I cried for a good ten minutes by the wailing little one, feeling sad and alone. It's the most rewarding feeling to see her drifting off to deep sleep, happy and content. During the day, I walk like a zombie. All I want is to sleep.