Friday, June 10, 2011

4 Months

Mia had her four-month checkup today. She weighs 15 lbs and 15 ozs and is 26 1/4 inches tall. She's about 95 percentile for both weight and height. Big girl! Everything is fine with her. She had three shots and an oral dose again. Mike picked her up immediately after the shots and had her face the nurse. He was afraid that baby would associate pain with us. He was in such a hurry so she would not see his face, the nurse did not even have a chance to put band-aids on her.

She was not too irritable after she got back home. Hopefully she would not be affected by the shots this weekend.

I held her against my chest before I put her to bed this evening. She was already asleep and her little face was nestled in the nook of my neck. I could not stop staring at her soft cheeks. I never felt so much tenderness. Being a mom really transformed me.