Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Mia's favorite thing to say these days is "Hi". She can now enounciate clearly and loves to repeatedly saying hi. I failed to inject the Chinese word of "hi" into her vocabulary since it has two syllables "ni hao" and it's more difficult. Out of her limited vocabulary, she now says "hi", "bye", "dada", "baba", "mama", "wawa" for water, and "Yueyue", her Chinese name. At times she says "yaya" for duckling in Chinese. I guess she has a mixed understanding of language. It would be interesting to see which language she gravitates to later as her nanny is Japanese, I speak Chinese and Mike speaks English.  I told myself I must talk more to her and repeat more in Chinese so she will pick it up. It would be a shame if she grows up and can't communicate with her grandparents in China.