Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Miserable Valentine

When I set up the appointment for Mia's first year check-up, I did not think too much. Then I realize it is Valentine's Day and Mia had few shots today. She is now 32 inches tall (98 percentile) and 20.9 lbs (45 percentile). She cried a lot after the needles went in, all four of them. I feel partially responsible.

When I got home from work, I learned that she threw up in the afternoon and had a fever of 100. After dinner, it got worse. After we gave her tylenol, she threw up her entire stomach. We had to bathe her and feed her again. She's now asleep at 100.7 F. Tonight we have to check her every two hours or so to make sure the fever does not spike too high. I did not expect to spend my Valentine's day like this but I guess this is life for me for some time. I am anxcious.