Sunday, February 19, 2012


Mia's hair is growing really long now. After shaving her head last June, her hair has been growing steadily back. Now she has a mohawk! We actually already trimmed her bangs once so they won't cover her eyes. Looks like it's time again to give her a haircut.

These days she's been eating finger food and insisting on eating everything on her own. She's still a messy eater and picky as well. It drives me nuts when she rubs her messy little finger in her hair and all over her face. I am slowly developing my patience but sometimes it's just so darn hard when she does not eat after preparing for all kinds of food so painstakingly. After she started eating solid food, I have not been able to eat a meal without interruption if I am home. I am the main person who feeds her dinner and it's been such a headache lately. I tried many things but her favorite is always cheese and bread. She loves tangerine and asparagus but it varies on the day whether she eats them or not. I have been trying to figure out how to get more protein into her little stomach without feeding her too much cheese since it's so salty. It's been a challenge.